
Some things I would like to create but never have the time.


  • Munger
  • Dekker
  • MediaMonkey Style Data Manager
  • Ansible but single file with web ui on bun


  • NUX but single player web game
  • Mashup: Backpack Battles + Pokemon with Cycling Card Deck
    • tarot in balatro are programmable: block doubles, emporer 1-2, fool (generate emporer)
    • need a game to get cards into a deck to give to a fighter
  • Turing Tarot
    • 2 lanes of cards, battle cards and machine cards
    • FSM + Stack = PDA

Subsections of Ideas

Pitch Decks

The List of 7

  • Statement declaring the world has changed
  • Facts to support that statement
  • Identify the losing solution
  • Identify the winning solution
  • Share evidence that it works
  • Show your price (straight-forward with Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 is usually best, and not necessarily correct to do at first presentation)

The List of 5

  • Name Big Relevant Change in the World
  • show there will be winners and losers (adapt or die)
  • tease the promised land, no product details, but future state
  • introduce features as “magic gifts” for reaching the promised land
  • present evidence that you can make the story come true


Go Implementation

create a desktop and mobile app using Fyne

Data Store

Editor v1

Markdown to rich text editor with a text area

Editor v2

Try this to embed nvim in an application window in fyne. GPT thread available



Deno Implementation